Vessel preparation in PAD: Essential but still undefined


While “vessel preparation” is mandatory for optimal peripheral arterial disease (PAD) treatment outcomes, especially in the context of endovascular intervention, a clear definition of the term, is still lacking. So says Fabrizio Fanelli (Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy) at the Paris Vascular Insights course (PVI; 12–14 December, Paris, France). 

There’s work to be done, he says, on understanding and defining the term, as well as understanding that there are cost implications for complex lesions. “We know that every time we use a complex or high technology device, we have to put more money on the table. But we know also that at the end we can achieve a better long-term follow up. [So] the price that we pay at the beginning is going to save money at the end […],” he says.


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