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ROADSTER 3 provides key evidence that ‘goes beyond registry data’ on...

Thirty-day results from the ROADSTER 3 study have demonstrated that transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) is a safe and effective approach in patients who are...


The dilemma of a narrow aorta in F/BEVAR: A matter of...

Michele Piazza (Padua, Italy) advises how to manage the challenging anatomical scenario of a narrow aorta during fenestrated and branched endovascular aneurysm repair (F/BEVAR),...

Sexual misconduct in surgery: “We need to have challenging and awkward...

Following a session on sexual misconduct in surgery delivered at the 2024 Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland (VSGBI) annual scientific meeting (27–29...


Gustavo Oderich (Houston, USA) speaks to Vascular News about non-radiation-based imaging, highlighting various technologies that he says have the potential to change the game.   “We definitely need to away from radiation,” the newly appointed professor of surgery at Baylor...


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Vincent Rowe

Vincent Rowe

Ramon Varcoe

Kevin Mani