Shockwave IVL can preserve patients’ future options by increasing vessel wall compliance


Bella Huasen (Preston, UK) talks to Vascular News about some of the difficulties of treating occlusive disease in the femoropopliteal segment and why it is “essential to have tools that will allow you to deal with these challenges”.

Huasen outlines some of the benefits of using Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL; Shockwave Medical). IVL “increases vessel wall compliance, a concept which, in the past, was not an important factor. But now […] we realise that vessel compliance is probably the most important factor to limiting or preventing dissection and also reducing the chance of using stents in very difficult areas,” she says.

Huasen explains how Shockwave IVL impacts on calcium whilst preserving soft tissue, before sharing a case highlighting how the technology was used in the treatment of an 85-year-old female patient with Rutherford 5, chronic limb-threatening ischaemia where it was favoured to avoid stenting and reduce the risks of embolisation.

Huasen summarises that Shockwave IVL is very simple, easy to use, safe, and that “it is one of the very unique tools on the market for managing peripheral arterial disease patients”.

Read Bella Huasen’s article: Shockwave IVL: Preserving options in no-stent zones

This video is sponsored by Shockwave Medical.


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