Lower-dose SurVeil DCB achieves non-inferiority with IN.PACT Admiral balloon


Kenneth Rosenfield (Boston, USA) speaks to Vascular News about the TRANSCEND trial, a non-inferiority randomised controlled trial, which looked to demonstrate safety and efficacy of the lower-dose third-generation SurVeil drug-coated balloon (DCB; Surmodics) when compared with the IN.PACT Admiral DCB (Medtronic) in patients with peripheral artery disease.

Findings from the trial, which were presented at LINC 2021 (The Leipzig Interventional Course, 25–29 January, online), showed that the SurVeil DCB achieved non-inferiority in relation to safety and efficacy against the “market-leading” IN.PACT Admiral DCB.

The SurVeil balloon is a lower-dose device with just two micrograms of paclitaxel compared to 3.5 micrograms seen in the IN.PACT Admiral balloon. Rosenfield outlines some of the device’s features and concludes by noting that DCBs need to be used more as “they do actually have a very beneficial effect on patient care.”


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