Long-term results from the GREAT registry show “outstanding” results on device...

NOTE: This video is ONLY available to watch in selected countries and geographies Ross Milner (University of Chicago, Chicago, USA) outlines how long-term data...

Unique insights from GREAT registry, especially for thoracic aortic pathologies

NOTE: This video is ONLY available to watch in selected countries and geographies Dennis Gable (The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano, Plano, USA) elaborates on...

“Valuable” 10-year data on the horizon for Gore’s GREAT registry

This advertorial, sponsored by Gore, is only available in selected countries and geographies. In conversation with CX Vascular, Dennis Gable (The Heart Hospital Baylor...

GREAT study to shed light on long-term outcomes of aortic repair

 Ross Milner (Chicago, USA) spoke to Vascular News at the VEITHsymposium about the importance of long-term data for aortic endografts and the GREAT (Global...