Shockwave IVL can aid in eliminating recoil and dissection during below-the-knee angioplasty


George Adams (Raleigh, USA) talks to VEITHtv at the VEITHsymposium 2019 (19–23 November, New York, USA) about the benefits of using easy-to-use Shockwave IVL (Intravascular Lithotripsy) in calcified below-the-knee vessels, which he says, results in “great outcomes”.

Adams explains that calcific plaque, particularly medial calcification in smaller below-the-knee vessels can contribute to adverse events and poor acute outcomes, such as vessel recoil and dissections. However, Adams explains that the use of Shockwave IVL, in which pulsatile sonic pressure waves fracture intimal and medial calcium, can help avoid these events and maximize luminal gain in order to get much-needed blood supply to non-healing wounds in critical limb ischaemia patients.

This video is sponsored by Shockwave Medical.


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