LINC 2020: One year IN.PACT AV results show sustained patency benefit for DCB in AV access maintenance


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The one-year IN.PACT AV trial results, first presented at LINC 2020 (28–31 January, Leipzig, Germany), reveal that the target lesion primary patency in the patient group treated with the IN.PACT drug-coated balloon (DCB; Medtronic) was 63.8% compared to 43.6% in the group treated with plain balloon angioplasty (p<0.001) for the treatment of arteriovenous (AV) access site lesions. The trial also showed a 35% reduction in reintervention rates when a drug-coated balloon was used instead of a plain balloon and “nearly identical” safety data in the two groups with respect to mortality.

Panel discussion

Tobias Steinke (Düsseldorf, Germany) discusses this trial’s distinctive results with principal investigators Andrew Holden (Auckland, New Zealand) and Robert Lookstein (New York, USA) and establishes the importance of considered vessel preparation using a high pressure balloon. The panel also reflects on the data from a budget impact, economic model based on the German and US healthcare systems that shows substantial cost savings when the IN.PACT DCB is used. The physicians also emphasise the enthusiasm displayed by the audience to use DCBs in this patient population, when these striking results were presented.

The IN.PACT AV access trial was the first trial to meet its primary endpoint.

This video was sponsored by Medtronic.


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