Urgo Medical announces NICE recommendation of UrgoStart for diabetic and venous ulcers

UrgoStart (Urgo Medical)

The UK’s National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published new guidance recommending UrgoStart wound dressings (Urgo Medical) for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers. In a press release, Urgo Medical states that use of the wound dressing could prevent more than 3,000 diabetes-related amputations. 

The conclusion of the NICE medical technology guidance is that UrgoStart is associated with increased wound healing compared with non-interactive dressings and could result in fewer ulcer-related amputations. The committee recognised that the treatment is also associated with significant cost savings for the UK National Health Service (NHS) and improved quality of life for patients.

Graham Bowen, clinical lead for Podiatry, Solent NHS Trust, and chair of Foot in Diabetes UK said This is tremendous news. Diabetes-related foot ulcers are extremely debilitating and can affect every aspect of the person’s life. UrgoStart can significantly reduce the healing time of foot ulcers, and will have a significant impact on thousands of patients living with this condition. As we know, over 90% of all diabetes related amputations are preceded by a single foot ulcer so speeding up the healing process could help prevent many unnecessary amputations. The NICE guidance shows that UrgoStart can have a major impact on clinical outcomes and reduces costs for the NHS which is good news for both patients and healthcare professionals.”

The NICE guidance committee acknowledged the robust clinical studies which “showed an increase in the rate of early wound healing with UrgoStart in patients with venous leg ulcers compared with standard treatment”.

UrgoStart is a lipido-colloid dressing (hydrocellular type) with soft-adherent TLC-NOSF Healing Matrix (NOSF impregnated in a TLC healing matrix).

UrgoStart (TLC-NOSF) is the only local treatment proven to reduce healing time. TLC-NOSF acts locally in the wound on the two key factors that impair wound healing. It inhibits excess Matrix Mettaloproteinases (MMPs), which in excess destroy extracellular matrix components; and promotes angiogenesis through migration and proliferation of endothelial cells, to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the wound.

The company states that NICE’s decision means that thousands more people with venous leg ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers could benefit from this unique wound treatment.

At any one time 115,000 people in the UK develop a diabetic foot ulcer, and 278,000 people are treated for venous leg ulcers every year. Leg ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers take an average of 200 days to heal.

If half of the people with a venous leg ulcer were treated with UrgoStart there would be an annual cost saving of £75 million to the NHS. If half of the people with a diabetic foot ulcer were treated with UrgoStart, the NHS could save £19.6 million per year.


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