Surgical Augmented Intelligence with Cydar Maps


In this supplement, sponsored by Cydar:

  • Tom Carrell, Cydar Medical executive director and co-founder, gives an overview of the company’s Cydar EV software
  • Charles J Bailey details how Cydar EV has allowed a US vascular centre’s endovascular aortic practice to evolve and improve
  • Jaideep Das Gupta and Mahmoud Malas present a case study in which Cydar software aided the treatment of a difficult aortic aneurysm, reducing radiation dosage and shortening procedure time
  • Jan Heyligers outlines the motivations that drove the recent purchase of Cydar EV at the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital (ETZ) in Tilburg, The Netherlands—the first vascular unit in the country to adopt the cloud-based system
  • Ashish Patel and Bijan Modarai address a key concern among patients and the endovascular operating team—radiation—and detail how the Cydar EV system has been shown to be effective in reducing dose


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