Society for Vascular Surgery HQ announces move to Rosemont


The Chicago-based Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has announced it will relocate its headquarters to Rosemont, USA, near Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, as of 1 March, 2019. The SVS is an international, not-for-profit professional medical society, serving specialty-trained vascular surgeons and allied professionals.

The new space is nearly twice the size of the current main office just north of Chicago’s Loop and will have room for future expansion. The SVS Foundation and the SVS Patient Safety Organization also share SVS’ workspace. Additionally, the SVS provides management services for the Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery, the Society for Vascular Nursing and the Delaware Valley Vascular Society.

The move was necessary due to expansion of the programmatic and mission work of the SVS, along with its global footprint in vascular health and quality. Chicago-based staffing has increased significantly in the past few years to keep pace with growth and new opportunities, said SVS executive director Kenneth M Slaw.

The new SVS headquarters will serve the Society’s vascular surgeons across the country and around the world, noted SVS president Michel S Makaroun, and its location, 10 minutes from the airport, will be convenient for meeting attendees. It also will allow for additional programming to meet the future needs of vascular surgeons, including ongoing training.

“In 10 to 20 years,” Makaroun said, “we will be a different organisation because of this space. We will be working collaboratively with vascular societies, medical societies and health organisations in a whole new way as well.”

SVS also is expanding its educational programs, including adding an online learning management system that will deliver educational and training programs and will administer, document and track the programs, he said.

The new headquarters includes access to a surgical simulation centre where surgeons can hone their skills on the latest endovascular procedures and maintain their open surgery skills.

“Our new headquarters will help the Society keep pace with the specialty,” said Makaroun. “We are extremely proud of this growth and the leading role our surgeons continue to play in preventing, treating and managing circulatory disease.”


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