Shockwave IVL: Seeing is believing


Raphaël Coscas (Paris, France) talks to Vascular News about his introduction to Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL; Shockwave Medical) and his initial experiences with the technology in treating patients with heavily calcified lesions. Speaking at the 2022 Charing Cross (CX) International Symposium (26–28 April, London, UK), Coscas says that “when you see these very calcified lesions opening fully, then you start to say it is really working”.

“In my experience there is no safety issue with IVL”, notes Coscas, who adds that there is also nothing in the literature to suggest any safety issues. He goes on to present a recent case he undertook utilising IVL and the results of the procedure, before outlining which patients and indications are most suitable for this technology. Coscas suggests that new users familiarising themselves with IVL technology should look to identify heavily calcified, short lesions—for example a calcified popliteal artery which many deem as a no stent zone.

This video is sponsored by Shockwave Medical.


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