Nectero EAST® System touted as potential “game changer” for smaller infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms


“A truly novel and potentially groundbreaking treatment strategy for patients with small to mid-sized infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms,” is how Michael R. Jaff (Boston, USA) describes the Nectero Endovascular Aortic Stabilization Treatment (Nectero EAST®) System from Nectero Medical in a recent roundtable discussion.

Jaff was joined by an international panel of physician experts—namely Andrew Holden (Auckland, New Zealand), Ramon Varcoe (Sydney, Australia) and Stephen W K Cheng (Hong Kong)—to discuss current AAA management strategies, as well as the potential of the Nectero EAST System to treat AAA from 3.5 to 5.0 cm.

Conversing at the 2023 Charing Cross (CX) International Symposium (25–27 April, London, UK), the panellists explain that the Nectero EAST System offers a new method that could stabilise the growth of aortic aneurysms and potentially minimise the risk of rupture.

The Nectero EAST System utilises standard endovascular techniques, is associated with a relatively short procedure time of between 30 minutes to one hour, and is supported by promising early data from the first-in-human study conducted outside of the USA.  Panelists point out that reducing aneurysm growth rate by 50% or more, has the potential to delay the need for major vascular intervention from five to 10 years.

In terms of next steps, Holden notes that an “important pivotal trial” will commence later this year. Depending on the outcomes of this trial, Varcoe opines that the Nectero EAST System “could be a real game changer,” transforming the landscape of infrarenal aortic aneurysm treatment from “watch and wait” to a disease managed with early intervention.

This video has been sponsored by Nectero Medical.


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