Getinge announces installation of 1,000th hybrid operating room worldwide


getinge hybrid orGetinge has installed the 1,000th hybrid operating room (OR) worldwide. West Virginia University (WVU) Heart and Vascular Institute, in Morgantown, USA, has installed three new, state-of-the-art hybrid ORs. Designed for patients requiring vascular or structural heart procedures, Hybrid ORs combine a traditional operating room with a catheterisation lab and imaging suite.

“Having a hybrid OR gives us the flexibility and space to bring cardiologists, vascular surgeons and heart surgeons together to address a patient’s condition and use the most advanced technology to optimally care for that patient and create the best outcome for them,” said Luke Marone, co-director of the WVU Heart and Vascular Institute, chief of the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, and Chief of Vascular Interventional Radiology Services at WVU Medicine. “We believe our investment in these multiple new hybrid ORs is worth it because the integration of X-ray technology, flexible movement technology and ultrasound technology allows us to perform the most advanced cardiovascular procedures with the greatest confidence.”

“With 1,000 hybrid ORs installed worldwide, we have more experience in designing and implementing these spaces than any other company,” said Chris Odom, president of surgical workflows, Getinge USA. “As a single-source provider of all of the products and systems needed to fully equip a hybrid OR, we work with leading imaging companies to ensure that cutting-edge institutions, such as WVU Heart and Vascular Institute, can meet the challenges they face while improving efficiency and optimising workflows. This aligns with our commitment to help our customers provide patients with the best care possible while demonstrating cost savings.”


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