CX Innovation Showcase – making innovation happen


The event showcases the innovation of small, independent and emerging companies in the vascular and endovascular sector. Some of these companies, from the UK, Europe and the US, will be exhibiting in the Registration area and are well worth a visit. The forum will showcase emerging technologies through a series of presentations by a world-class faculty, with each participating company invited to make a presentation on their innovative approach to vascular and endovascular therapies.The one-day forum on Tuesday 12 April, at the Pippard Lecture Theatre, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, will showcase emerging technologies being developed by a number of small, mostly privately-held vascular device companies seeking partnership and/or investment. Chaired by Stephen Greenhalgh, BIBA Medical, UK, and Geoffrey White, Sydney, Australia, the session will begin with a discussion assessing the companies’ (Peter Hinchcliffe – DataScope) and inventors’ perspectives (Geoffrey White). Juan Parodi, St Louis, US, will then discuss the importance of observation in innovation. The session will continue with an emphasis on medical device regulation and their impact on early-stage companies. Stuart Rodger, Vascutek, will discuss “Clinical trials and device approval strategies” and Bridget Matthews, BITECIC, will highlight the importance of “Identifying a clinical need.”

The session will then consider the issue of “Raising Money”. Nick Simmonds, Nesta, will ask “How do you secure early funding?” which will be followed with the question: “How do you raise venture capital?” from David Hawkin.

Following on, the discussion will highlight the important factors in “Developing winning products.” Helen Ryan, Cregenna Medical Devices, will present, “Innovative Delivery Device Design Solutions,” with Peter Shaw, Corporate Edge, explaining the importance of “Branding.”

The meeting will then debate “Becoming an entrepreneur”, with Alan Edwards, former CEO of Credent, presenting, “So you want to be an entrepreneur” followed by the debate the “Challenges of being an entrepreneur.” The session will then move on to the “Endgame”, with Chas Taylor, advisor to Schroders, asking “How do you exit your company?”

The Innovation Showcase will end with a “New Technology Session” with presentations by the following companies (see box below).

CX Innovation Showcase 2004

The inaugural CX Innovation Showcase event focused on the innovation of small, independent and emerging companies in the vascular and endovascular sector. As part of the CX Innovation Showcase a lecture session entitled ‘Making Innovation Happen’ took place. This session was introduced by Sir Richard Sykes, the Rector of Imperial College London and looked at factors relevant to innovation and development.

During his opening, Sykes highlighted that “our new innovations are moving into areas where the existing regulatory frameworks are no longer wholly applicable – take tissue engineered products or drug-eluting stents, for example. Hence there is a great need for dialogue between innovators, product development specialists and regulators about what is appropriate and feasible in terms of providing confidence of efficacy and safety.”