CX 2019: Number of vascular surgeons being trained is “woefully inadequate”


Sophie Renton (London, UK) moderates a session with Michel Makaroun (Pittsburgh, USA) and Armando Mansilha (Porto, Portugal) where the trio discuss some of the challenges relating to recruitment within the field of vascular surgery.

Makaroun explains that there are two main recruitment pathways into vascular surgery in the USA but notes that there are a “number of roadblocks” including a “limited” ability to attract surgeons to the speciality as well as financial and regulatory issues. “The number of vascular surgeons we produce is woefully inadequate right now,” adds Makaroun.

Mansilha talks about how these recruitment difficulties differ to those in Europe, and notes the importance of setting defined standards in education as well as improving awareness of the specialty.

This video was filmed by BLearning at CX 2019 (Charing Cross Symposium; 15–18 April, London, UK).

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