Carotid surgery still the gold standard in Italy


At the recent Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (SICVE) meeting in Naples, Italy, Professor Domenico Palombo presented the 5th edition of the Italian Registry of Vascular Surgery (SICVEREG). The Registry now contains data from 85 centres, a remarkable figure partly due to the computerised system that allows centres to upload data on a hosting website where it is also possible to compare own data with national trends.

It is important to note that data have been validated through randomised controls and in Professor Palombo’s words: “I’m personally very proud of this achievement. Data validation was the final objective in the development of a complete, exhaustive, reliable Registry.”

Perhaps the more interesting results came from the outcome of surgery in carotid diseases, where periprocedural mortality rate was 0.2% (seven in 4,449 cases). In surgery without contra lateral occlusion, general complications were reported in 4.9% of the cases. Mortality in open surgery, with contra lateral occlusion was 0.4%(one in 254 cases). For abdominal aortic aneurysm open repair the mortality was reported in 5.1% of the cases (135 in 2,258), while the percentage of morbidities was 10.1%.

The congress, in its 5th year, turned out to be a great success, with an increasing number of participants and registered members, reflecting great credit upon the conference organiser and newly elected President of SICVE, Professor Giancarlo Bracale, University Hospital Naples, and the outgoing President of SICVE, Professor Domenico Palombo, University Hospital Genoa, who conducted the meeting with great aplomb.

More than 110 selected lectures were presented over the three-day meeting, covering the main topics of vascular and endovascular surgery. Large sessions were dedicated to the independent sections of SICVE, as well as symposia on phlebology, venous treatments, trophic ulcers and vascular malformations.

Vascular News asked Professor Palombo to update the current SICVE initiatives. The most significant are the completed revision of the Guidelines, which will be soon published on the Society’s website, and the decision to appoint a regional

representative of the society in order to re-evaluate endovascular re-imbursement.

SICVE also has been proactive in providing training to members by conducting the first course of training in Carotid Stenting in collaboration with the National Centers of Excellence and with the contributions of Cordis.

Recruitment for the second year of the training course has started, as well as the recruitment for the first course of Aortic Laparoscopic Surgery.

Also, SICVE gave its support to national and international trials, such as ASCT2, STACI2 and RISC2.

In the last year there have also been several initiatives to promote and increase visibility of the vascular surgeon, the society and its role in the community throughout campaigns of prevention of vascular diseases.

Lastly, the final document of the Italian Consensus Conference on Carotid Stenting was published on the prestigious Stroke journal.

Next year’s meeting will take place in Catania, Sicily, from the 30th of September to the 3rd of October.

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