Vascular News’ top 10 most popular stories of May 2021


Expanding eligibility for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR), new tools for chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI), and promising data for arteriovenous (AV) fistula remote monitoring all feature in our top 10 most read stories of May 2021.

1. Concern for outgrowing EVAR suitability in small AAA “unwarranted” within two-year timeframe

“The majority of patients eligible for EVAR [endovascular aneurysm repair] when entering a surveillance programme for small AAA [abdominal aortic aneurysm] remain eligible after two years,” write Annalise M Panthofer (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA) and colleagues in the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS). They add that substantial changes in AAA neck anatomy leading to loss of EVAR treatment options are “infrequent,” and that patients with anatomical AAA progression beyond EVAR eligibility “remain candidates for complex EVAR and open repair”.

2. Study supports tunnelled haemodialysis catheter use for permanent dialysis access

In a recent study, Victor Demaerel (University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium) and colleagues found that tunnelled haemodialysis catheter (THC) survival in 352 patients was more than 70% after five years. This finding, they conclude, “supports [THC] use for permanent dialysis access”.

3. New tools for CLTI: ISET audience hear what’s on the horizon for these challenging patients

“I am going to give you reasons to be excited about your critical limb practice,” Peter Schneider (University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA) told delegates attending the International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy (ISET; 9–11 May, Miami, USA), in a talk focusing on innovative tools on the horizon for the treatment of chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI). “I think critical limb ischaemia has come to the forefront of our practices and of community awareness, and finally now the tools are starting to show that,” he opined.

4. Wearable device for AV fistula remote monitoring shows promise—but faces commercial challenges

A new wearable device designed to remotely monitor arteriovenous (AV) fistulae function in dialysis access patients uncovered promising data leading one set of researchers to conclude the technology offers hope for improved care and lower costs among a challenging patient population.

5. Micro Medical Solutions receives FDA breakthrough device designation for MicroStent vascular stent

Micro Medical Solutions (MMS) recently announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted breakthrough device designation for its MicroStent vascular stent. This novel technology is designed to achieve and maintain vessel patency, enhance wound treatment, and improve quality of life and blood flow in order to reduce amputation and mortality for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI) resulting from peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

6. iVascular receives CE mark for iCover covered stent

iVascular has received CE mark approval for its balloon-expandable covered stent, iCover, a press release from the company states. According to iVascular, iCover can adapt to the most tortuous vessels due to its high flexibility and post-expansion capacity. “It also offers excellent visibility, as it is the only balloon-expandable covered stent with radiopaque markers on the ends of the stent, to facilitate the implantation and the post-expansion,” a company press release details.

7. “A new look at laser”: Positive initial data presented at ISET for the Auryon atherectomy system

The Auryon atherectomy system (AngioDynamics) “represents an exciting new technology”, John Rundback (Advanced Interventional and Vascular Services, LLP, Teaneck, USA) opined at the International Symposium on Endovascular Therapies (ISET; 9–11 May, Miami, USA, and online), speaking on behalf of the Pathfinder I registry investigators. “I think it has really got a lot of traction; we found it a very useful tool across a wide range of plaque morphologies and vessel beds. Further iterations of this platform will hopefully improve its performance further.”

8. TCAR associated with “promising early and late outcomes”, pooled data suggest

A systematic review and meta-analysis has found that transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) is associated with “promising early and late outcomes” in patients with internal carotid artery stenosis, although symptomatic patients still carry a higher risk of early cerebrovascular events. This is the conclusion of George C Galyfos (Hippocration Hospital, Athens, Greece) and colleagues, whose work was published as an Editor’s Choice paper in the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (EJVES).

9. ACC.21: SAFE-PAD finds no increased risk of death with drug-coated devices used for lower extremity revascularisation

Researchers have found no statistically significant difference in mortality between patients treated with drug-coated devices and non-drug-coated devices in the SAFE-PAD study. Eric Secemsky (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center [BIDMC], Boston, USA) reported this conclusion at the American College of Cardiology’s 70th Annual Scientific Session (ACC.21, 15–17 May, virtual), with results published simultaneously in JAMA Internal Medicine.

10. Boston Scientific and BD initiate venous stent recalls

Boston Scientific and BD have both initiated recalls of venous stents. According to a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) medical device recall notice posted 21 May, Boston Scientific has recalled its Vici venous stent system (Vici SDS) and Vici RDS venous stent system. In a recall notification dated 12 May, BD announced that the company has expanded a safety notice issued earlier this year for the Venovo venous stent system.


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