Tag: repair

Detailing a niche group of patients who do very well with...

Stéphan Haulon (Université Paris Sud, France) tells Vascular News at Aortic Live 2018 in Essen, Germany, about a niche group of patients, i.e., those that have had...

Tackling the uncommon, but devastating, complication of infection after EVAR

 Rachel Bell (Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, London, UK) describes a variety of specialist surgical options to treat infection after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR),...
Mastracci told Interventional News about how clinicians’ practices are being tested

Individual evaluation of each patient, and each aorta, is key to...

 “The instructions for use (IFU) are not a clinical guideline, so trainees should really think about what the main considerations are when they are...