Disrupt PAD III

Shockwave IVL maintains superiority to angioplasty in calcified peripheral disease at...

Shockwave Medical announced today that long-term data from the Disrupt PAD III trial found that superior vessel preparation with intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) led to...

DISRUPT PAD III: Intravascular lithotripsy superior to PTA in acute procedural...

The DISRUPT PAD III randomised controlled trial (RCT) provides the largest level one evidence for the treatment of heavily calcified femoropopliteal arteries, noted William...

Shockwave Medical announces plans for “largest ever” calcified peripheral artery disease...

Shockwave Medical has announced plans for DISRUPT PAD III—what is claims is the “largest ever” multicentre randomised study to exclusively enrol patients with calcified...