Tag: B Braun

One-year results published from B Braun’s CONSEQUENT study

One-year findings from B Braun’s CONSEQUENT ALL COMERS observational study were recently published by principal investigator Ralf Langhoff (Sankt Gertrauden Hospital, Berlin, Germany) et...

Real-world data on SeQuent Please OTW DCB presented at LINC 2021

One-year findings of the CONSEQUENT all-comers observational study of the paclitaxel drug-coated balloon (DCB) SeQuent Please OTW (B Braun) were reported at LINC 2021...

B Braun announces publication of 12-month LOCOMOTIVE EXTENDED results

B Braun has revealed that 12-month results from the LOCOMOTIVE EXTENDED study of the company’s Multi-Loc multiple stent delivery system have been published in...
SeQuent Please OTW

Peripheral DCB SeQuent Please OTW approved for reimbursement in France

B. Braun has announced the recent French reimbursement approval for its peripheral drug-coated balloon (DCB) SeQuent Please OTW effective as of July 2018. As published...

IJN first in Asia to perform spot stenting procedure with VascuFlex...

Institut Jantung Negara (IJN; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) has become the first hospital in Asia to perform peripheral vascular intervention (PVI) using VascuFlex Multi-LOC (B Braun),...

Multiple stent delivery system continues to show safe and effective results...

Data from the LOCOMOTIVE registry first-in-man trial investigating the VascuFlex Multi-Loc, B Braun’s multiple stent delivery system, were presented by Klaus Amendt (Diakonissenkrankenhaus, Mannheim,...

Six-month LOCOMOTIVE Registry outcomes presented

At the 2017 Charing Cross Symposium (25–28 April, London, UK) Klaus Amendt presented six-month outcomes from the all-comers LOCOMOTIVE Registry, which is investigating the...

CONSEQUENT trial 12-month data support drug-coated balloons for long lesions

Twelve-month results of the CONSEQUENT trial have shown lower late lumen loss, lower rates of 12-month target lesion revascularisation and longer walking distance increases...