New fenestrated Altura™ builds on standard endograft’s unique design to go a step further


The Altura™ Endograft System (Lombard Medical) is an “outstanding leap forward”, Jörg Teßarek (Lingen, Germany) tells Vascular News, while describing his experience with the both the standard and fenestrated Altura™ devices.

Teßarek draws particular attention to the main features of the standard Altura™ device—its 14 French passing profile, double tube design to maximise the infrarenal landing zone and reverse deployment mechanism—that make the fenestrated version of this device so attractive.

The Fenestrated Altura™ device, a custom solution for challenging anatomies, has altered his clinical practice, Teßarek says, as it has enabled him to offer FEVAR to patients with narrow access vessels, which represented a strict contraindication to this technique. Additionally, local anaesthesia can be used instead of regional or general anaesthesia because “the complexity of the procedure is decreased” with the use of this device, notes Teßarek.

This video is sponsored by Lombard Medical.


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