EAVST Vascular and Endovascular Training Day


Following the success of the 2004 hands-on training day, the Charing Cross International Symposium continues to offer its training day in partnership with the European Association of Vascular Surgeons in Training (EAVST), at the Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College. This year’s course was fully booked by February and will be attended by 100 trainee surgeons, who will attend the day to help prepare for their European Board of Surgery Qualification (EBSQ), the FRCS examination, or simply to update their vascular knowledge and get some hands-on endovascular training experience. Once again the vascular part of the course has the generous support of Vascutek. In a similar format to last year, the morning session will begin with the Vascular Revision Course, with presentations on topics such as epidemiology and medical treatment by Janet Powell, vascular anaesthesia by Paul Gunning, Statistics with Tony Brady, and EBVS and the third part presented by Carrie Rodd.

One of the educational missions of the Charing Cross is to help vascular surgeons to develop endovascular skills. There will be endovascular hands-on opportunities for carotid, renal and iliofemoral stenting. The afternoon session will be split into two parts. All attendees will take part in the interactive case studies sessions and will either go to Cordis or Mentice for Endovascular Hands-on Training.

Those attending the Cordis workshops can test their newest endovascular technology for SFA/Iliac, renals and carotids. The day is being organised by Leane de Laigue of Cordis who says: “The Cordis workshops will give participants a chance to deploy real product samples. Following a presentation about endovascular devices, participants will have the opportunity to deploy real devices for SFA/Iliac, Renal and Carotid procedures in a variety of training models.”

In addition, Mentice’s workshops will offer interventional training for renal artery and carotid artery stenoses using a virtual reality simulator. Mentice’s Procedicus VIST contains a range of endovascular applications such as coronary, carotid, renal and peripheral diagnostic angiography, angioplasty and stenting.

Separately, Limbs and Things’ surgical models will provide the opportunity for training in open surgical techniques by expert vascular surgeons. The company’s Arterial Procedures Trainer, designed in collaboration with St Mary’s Hospital Vascular Unit, London, UK, is used by Higher Surgical Trainees (HST). The package contains Femoral Popliteal Bypass Trainer modules; Femorodistal Anastomosis (FA) Trainer modules; Carotid Endarterectomy (CE) Trainer modules; Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Repair Trainer (common iliac aneurysm, internal iliac aneurysm and juxtarenal repair) modules.

Following the training day, the companies will be moving their equipment to the Training Village, 5th Floor of the Sherfield Building, and can be visited throughout the Symposium.

A review of this event will be published in the June issue of Vascular News.