INDIAN registry results could shift the dial on use of Indigo thrombectomy as first-line therapy for acute limb ischaemia


Gianmarco de Donato (Siena, Italy) discusses the findings from the INDIAN registry, which were presented during CX 2021 (Charing Cross Symposium; 19–22 April, online) and were recently published in the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. The registry sought to evaluate the short-term safety and efficacy of the Indigo Aspiration System (Penumbra) in 150 patients with acute lower limb ischaemia.

The device “is very safe” explains de Donato, with the data showing that were no device-related serious adverse events, no major bleeding complications and 99.3% freedom from amputation. On the primary outcome front, the data indicated a technical success rate of 88.7% with the use of the thrombo-aspiration system alone. This figure increased to 95.3% following an additional procedure such as percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.

De Donato explains how the registry findings have impacted his daily practice, noting that his treatment algorithm has gone from open to hybrid and finally to a “frontline endovascular approach”. He adds that “in my centre this is now first line treatment in all cases of acute and chronic ischaemia and where the clot is localised in a small vessel”, concluding that this is where the Indigo device “makes a difference in the treatment of acute lower limb ischemia”.

Registrants can watch the full Charing Cross 2021 presentation titled “Mechanical thrombectomy for acute lower-limb malperfusion: The INDIAN registry” on-demand here

This video is sponsored by Penumbra.


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