IN.PACT independent patient-level meta-analysis shows no correlation between paclitaxel exposure and mortality


A renowned panel, moderated by Dierk Scheinert (Leipzig, Germany), comprising Peter Schneider (Honolulu, USA), John Laird (St Helena, USA) and Thomas Zeller (Bad Krozingen, Germany) expressed confidence in the continued use of paclitaxel-coated devices after individual patient-level data were presented at LINC 2019 that did not show correlation between paclitaxel exposure and mortality.

Schneider and colleagues have authored a paper that is currently in press with the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) highlighting these data.

This video was sponsored by Medtronic.


  1. Please could you provide a DOI for the article cited as being “in press”? The journal JACC state in-press articles as being “accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI” but this doesn’t seem to be available on their website in-press page.


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